1. Mode: Off When leaving for your well deserved holiday, switch off smartphone, computer and tablet. Unless it’s really necessary, try to loose every contact with your daily routine, especially with e-mails, phone calls, and social media. This will allow you to concentrate on what you are experiencing and your vacation, and to come back and make a “fresh” start.
2. Agenda Before you leave, plan your trip back home one or two days before your re-entry on the job: for example, if you have to go back to work on Monday, plan your trip back on Saturday. This way, you will have some time to get used to your “habitat” again, to do the laundry, or simply to take a breath before starting it all over again.
3. Let's wash! When you come back from holiday, use the “laundry days” to put some order in your head, too: empty your suitcases as soon as you can, so you can put away all clothes before you start working again. When you come home from your first busy days after vacation, seeing your home clean and tidy will give you a pleasant sensation of tranquility.
4. Let's cook! While travelling back home, think about what you would like to eat in the following days. Think about cooking something “homely”, maybe something that you missed a lot while you were on vacation. Good food will give you good vibrations!
5. Good vibes As a souvenir, you did for sure bring good vibes home from your holiday. Try to keep them, at least during the first busy week, try to take things slow and don’t overload yourself with things to do.